Sunday, March 25, 2012

March 25, 2012

Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend! I look forward to seeing all of you at Open House on Thursday, April 5th. Your children have worked hard all year and are excited to show you all they have done. 

Upcoming events:
1. Language Arts:  We have been writing Persuasive essays.  We have written two already on Uniforms and a Desired Gift.  We will be writing our third and final in the next week.  We are continuing to read Toliver’s Secret as well as Theme 3 RevolutionaryTimes in our Literature Reader. We will complete this theme by Spring Break.

2.  Social Studies:  We are starting Chapter 10 The Tension Between Colonists and the British.

Revolutionary War Hero:  Your child was asked to choose a war hero and write a short summary of their life (paragraph 1) and then why they are a Revolutionary War Hero (paragraph 2).  It is supposed to be short, about a page long. Then they are to create a puppet of their hero holding one item that represents them.

3. Science In science, we are studying the Periodic table and the different elements.  We have complete the unit on Mixtures and Solutions and will have our final test this Wednesday.

4. We have a field trip to the Los Altos History House on Thursday at 9:00. So we will need to leave at 8:30 and will be back by 11.

5.  Outside Reading for the 3rd Trimester is due May 31st.
         A = 3600 pages                    Please check for requirements.
         B = 2400 pages                            
         C = 2000 pages

Thank you and enjoy your weekend!

Andrea Jones

Friday, March 16, 2012

March 16, 2012

Happy Friday!! The time is just flying by!  The 2nd trimester is over and we are in the home stretch.  Report cards went home today. Please be sure to review and ask your child what they can do or continue doing to achieve their goals.  Please remember to sign the envelope and send it in.

Thank you also to all the parents who were able to come to Walk Through the Revolution.  The kids did a fantastic job! Thanks to Justine Dachille and Karen Arnett for score keeping.

Upcoming events:

1. Language Arts:  We are reading Toliver’s Secret. When her grandfather is injured, 10-year-old Ellen Toliver replaces him on a top-secret patriotic mission. Disguised as a boy, she manages to smuggle a message to General George Washington. It fits in perfectly with where we are in History.

2.  Social Studies:  We are studying early colonial life.  We have a project due March 29th about a Revolutionary War Hero to help us understand our next topic in history.  They are to write a one page typed paper about a hero and make a puppet to represent their person.  Each child has made a calendar for themselves to keep on track and not rushing at the last minute.  This is great practice for being organized in 6th grade and Jr. High.  They have also received summary sheets to use to write the two paragraphs.
We will also be having a DOG test on weeks 1- 20 on Tuesday, March 20th.

4. Science:  We are finishing up Mixtures and Solutions and the Periodic table and are moving on to the Human Body in the next week.  Our end of the unit test will be Thursday, March 22nd. 
Wonderful work for those who participated in the Science-o-Rama!

5. 5th Grade Movie: The 5th grade teachers will be holding their auction event on Friday, March 30th. All 5th grade students are welcome to come to the Springer Multi with sleeping bags to watch a movie from 7 - 10pm. We will provide drinks and snacks. The cost is $25. We are still deciding on a movie and we will let you know as soon as possible.

6.  Outside Reading for the 3rd Trimester is due May 31, 2012
         A = 3600 pages                    Please check for requirements.
         B = 2400 pages                            
         C = 2000 pages

Thank you and enjoy your week!

Andrea Jones

Sunday, March 4, 2012

A few of our State Report Posters

5th Grade Happenings March

Happy March! We are quite busy working hard!  We have a few upcoming events that will require costumes and memorizing of lines.

Upcoming events:
1. Science Faire Tuesday, March 13th
2. Walk Through the Revolution –
Wednesday, March 14th at 8:45
      A colonial costume and lines memorized for their part
3. 5th Grade Movie Night at Springer Friday, March 30th
      This is our auction item, so please be sure to sign up
3. Colonial Day  -Friday, May 11th
 colonial costume needed

For Walk Through, students will be able to share costumes with the other class, however colonial day each student must have their own outfit.
 Some suggestions are:

Boys- knickers, white shirt or women’s blouse, white nylon knee-highs or tall socks, dark shoes, vest, tri-cornered hat

Girls- long skirt, long sleeve white blouse,dress, mob cap or bonnet, dark shoes, apron

*** girls may dress as boys as well ***

1. Language Arts:  We are working on our storyboard for The Cay. We have also started our latest book, Tolliver’s Secret. It is about a young girl who risks her life to get a secret message to George Washington during the Revolutionary War.  We are also working on writing persuasive letters regarding topics close to our hearts.
2.  Social Studies:  We are reading chapter 8 on Slavery in the colonies.

3.  Outside Reading for the 3rd Trimester is due May 31, 2012
         A = 3600 pages                   
         B = 2400 pages                            
         C = 1600 pages
1.       Read a biography about a Revolutionary War hero.
2.      Read at least two (2) double paged books.
3.      Read one short book about Math.

Thank you for all your support,

Andrea Jones

March Calendar