Saturday, April 21, 2012

April/May Calendar

5th Grade Happenings

I hope everyone had a relaxing week off.  It was wonderful to see so many parents at Open house.  The children certainly worked hard to get everything just right.  With only one more week until STAR testing (April 30th - 5th), it is important for all students to be here on time and well rested.  We will be testing first thing in the morning. Please look at the attached calendar for testing dates.
Upcoming events:

1. Language Arts: We are reading My Brother Sam is Dead. This is an intense story about a young boy who is unsure who to support in the Revolutionary War.  His older brother has joined the rebels to fight the British, while his father is loyal to the Bristish King. 

2.  Social Studies: We are working on Ch. 10 about the Tensions between the British and the colonist. We have Colonial Day on Friday, May 11th. Please be sure to be gathering a colonial outift for your child.

3. Science:  We are studying Living Systems. We have been working on the Human body and its major systems; circulatory, respiratory, digestive, and excretory.  We will be studying the heart indepth as we prepare for the heart dissection in late May.

4.  Outside Reading for the 3rd Trimester is due May 31, 2012
         A = 3600 pages                    Please check for requirements.
         B = 2400 pages                            
         C = 2000 pages

5. Junior Olympics Saturday, April 28th
      Come cheer the Springer students on!

Thank you and enjoy your weekend!

Andrea Jones