Friday, May 18, 2012

5th Grade Happenings!

5th Grade Happenings

Happy Friday!  Hope all finds you well!  With only a few more weeks left, we have some important upcoming events ahead!

Important Dates:
Monday, May 21st Band and Orchestra Concert – 1:00 Multi
Tuesday, May 29th Puberty Talk
***Friday, June 1st Heart Dissection – volunteers needed!
Monday, June 4th 5th Grade Picnic

Upcoming events:
1.    In your Friday folder in the letter about upcoming Puberty talk.  We will be having the discussion and watching the videos on Tuesday, May 29th.  You can check out the videos at
2. Language Arts: We finished reading My Brother Sam is Dead. This is an intense story about a young boy who is unsure who to support in the Revolutionary War.  His older brother has joined the rebels to fight the British, while his father is loyal to the British King.  We are now working on a response to literature essay.

3.  Social Studies: We are working on Ch. 12 about the Declaration of Independence and finishing up the final DOG week with a test on 1 – 36 later this week.

4. Science:  We just finished up the final science section and will be having our final test next week.  We will also be studying the heart indepth as we prepare for the heart dissection in late May.

5.  Outside Reading for the 3rd Trimester is due MAY 31st!
    A = 3600 pages            Please check for requirements.
    B = 2400 pages               
    C = 2000 pages
Please feel free to come in and interview!

6. Please be sure to sign your child’s test packet. Due Tuesday!

Thank you and have a wonderful weekend!
Andrea Jones

Sunday, May 13, 2012

5th Grade Happenings

A huge THANK YOU to all the parents who helped to make Colonial Day a wonderful success!  It was a fabulous day that the kids will remember for the rest of their life.  A special thank you to Leslie, Elena, and Christa for all their help with the planning for the terrific day!

I also want to thank you for an amazing Teacher Appreciation week.  It really made me feel so special and for that I am grateful.

Upcoming events:

1. Language Arts: We are reading My Brother Sam is Dead. This is an intense story about a young boy who is unsure who to support in the Revolutionary War.  His older brother has joined the rebels to fight the British, while his father is loyal to the Bristish King. 

2.  Social Studies: We are working on Ch. 11 about the Tensions between the British and the colonist. We are seeing the Revolution from both the Loyalist and Patriots’ point of view.

3. Science:  We just finished up the final science section and will be having our final test next week.  We will also be studying the heart indepth as we prepare for the heart dissection in late May.

4.  Outside Reading for the 3rd Trimester is due May 31, 2012
         A = 3600 pages                    Please check for requirements.
         B = 2400 pages                            
         C = 2000 pages
Please feel free to come in and interview!

Thank you and have a wonderful week!

Andrea Jones