Tuesday, November 26, 2013

5th Grade Happenings
Happy Thanksgiving!  It was a pleasure to meet with each of you over the last few weeks.  I am really lucky to have such a wonderful class and such supportive parents.  So thank you!!!

Upcoming events:
1.  State Report: We have chosen our states and finished our first assignment of writing business letters to the Department of Tourism for our states. You shoulds have received 2 calendars for our state report, one for parents and the second for your child’s binder.  Please keep one posted at home as a daily reminder to stay organized.

2. Language Arts:  We have wrapped up persausive writing for the first part of the year and are moving on to summary writing. We are continuing to read the Sign of the Beaver. This coming of age novel takes place in early colonial America and goes along with our studies in history.

3.  Social Studies:  We are studying European Explorers. Our next project is on a European Explorer of their choice. Please help your child review by using an on-line tutorial at http://tutorial.teachtci.com/.   We are also continuing to memorize our States and Capitals. We will be having a test on the states and capitals Tuesday, December 17th. We will be having a map test in the end of January of the states.  Here is a great website to have your child practice. http://www.yourchildlearns.com/mappuzzle/us-puzzle.html

4. Science:  We have finished the Water Planet unit and are moving into Mixtures and Solutions.

5. Winter Concert: Dec 13th  at 1:00 P.M., please remember to dress appropriately for our concert.

6.  Outside Reading for the 2nd Trimester is due Febraury 28th, 2013
         A = 3000 pages                        Please check for requirements.
         B = 2000 pages                                
         C = 1300 pages

Friday, October 11, 2013

Happy Fall! I look forward to seeing you all at the Walkathon tomorrow.

Upcoming events:
  1. Language Arts:  We are reading in our Houghton Mifflin book
Theme 1: Natures Fury!   Our first story was Earthquake Terror and now we are starting Eye of the Storm. Please look for all of our new vocabulary words. The masterpieces certainly look terrific and I enjoyed reading their artist reports. We have been working hard in class to create our own Halloween poetry books.

  1. Social Studies: We are also continuing to memorize our States and Capitals and learn more about Native Americans in Chapter 3 of our History Alive book. The students are in small groups  to make an artifact from their assigned Native American region. Just a reminderof the History Alive website.

  1. Science: We will be starting our next topic in the WaterPlanet unit, the atmospheric pressure and wind.  The will have a quiz next week on Uneven Heating, Wind, and Atmospheric pressure. Please look for a study guide.

  1. Spelling: Our new spelling program is designed to create lifelong spellers.  It promotes learning spelling rules and recognizing patterns in spelling.  So though our weekly spelling words do not appear too  The most difficult aspect of our new program is to recognize when to use the correct homophone such as they’re, their, or there.  One way to help your child become a good lifelong speller is to review words found in dictation and old spelling tests.  These words repeat and repeat throughout the year.

  1.  Halloween Poetry is due the week of Oct. 28th
Your child is to memorize poems to present to the class.
                  40 lines = A
              30 lines = B
              20 lines = C
         Costumes and appropriate props are okay!

  1. Keep an eye out for the test packet to be signed in the Friday Folder!
please read it and contact me if there are any questions.

  1. You should receive a letter in your child’s Friday Folder regarding scholastic book orders.  The following information is needed to order books online.
Scholastic Book Clubs Ordering Information
Class Activation Code:

                                                      Have a great weekend!     
                                                               Andrea Jones

Friday, October 4, 2013

Upcoming Event

Unfortunately I am unable to update events due to technical difficulties.

Upcoming Events
10/7 Jane’s Birthday

10/12 Walkathon

10/13 Dennis’ Birthday

10/14 Emily’s Birthday

10/18 Katherine’s Birthday

10/21 Brianna’s Birthday

10/22 Early Dismissal 12:15

10/28 Halloween Poetry due

10/31 Happy Halloween, Halloween Parade

Oct 4th

5th Grade Happenings
Happy Weekend! Hope you are getting a chance to relax and spend some quality time with your family!  We will not be going on our field trip on Monday unless a miracle happens. Thank you to all that volunteered to  drive.

Upcoming events:
  1. Language Arts: We just finished reading  The Mixed Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler.  Please look for the final vocabulary coming home. Our final vocabulary test is Wed., Oct 9th and our book test will also be next week. 

During the month of October, we are creating a poetry book as well as memorizing poetry to be recited in class the week of October 28th.  We will also be reading Theme 1 Nature’s Fury, of the Houghton Mifflin textbook.

  1. Social Studies:  We have started Chapter 3 on Native American this week.  Your student can always review at http://tutorial.teachtci.com/  Your child is working on a Native American Google Presentation and creating 3 artifacts from their Native American region.

We have also finished Daily Oral Geography 1 – 15 and will be having a test on Thursday, Oct. 10th.  Your child has highlighted questions they must know.

  1.  Science:  We are working on the Water Planet unit.  We will be learning all about the water cycle and how is our science website that may be helpful to reinforce concepts at home. http://www.fossweb.com/modules3-6/index.html 

  1. Please remember to sign and return only the test packet sheet that will be in the Friday Folder this week. You are to keep all the tests for review.

  1. Outside Reading for the 1st Trimester is due Nov. 1st
         A = 2400 pages                        Please check for requirements.
         B = 1600 pages                                 
         C = 1200 pages

Thank you for all your support and have a great weekend!
                                                               Andrea Jones

Friday, September 13, 2013

5th Grade Happenings
Good Afternoon! I will be sending out class updates about every 2 weeks.  I will attach class calendars as well as important assignments.


Upcoming events:
  1. Artist Report: Each student should have completed four paragraphs with the rest being done in class this coming week. We wrote their introduction paragraph in class today.  All students have received the directions for their Mini Masterpiece. The final artist report is due Friday, Sept. 20th .

  1. Language Arts:  Our first novel is The Mixed Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler.  Please ask your child to tell you about it.  Look for vocabulary and comprehension questions.

  1. Social Studies:  We have been working on our geographical terms.  Our Geo-books are due on Monday.  We chose one National geographical Landmark to research. Examples are Cape Cod, Glen Canyon, and the Colorado River.  They can be anywhere in the United States.  We are finishing up our Fact File this week. We have finished Chapter 1 and started Chapter 2 this week.  Your child can review at http://tutorial.teachtci.com/

  1.  Science: The Water Planet is the first unit we are studying. We are studying Evaporation. You and your child can check out this website to review our science concepts. http://www.fossweb.com/modules3-6/index.html 

  1. 1st Field Trip: Sept. 26th we will be going to the Fujitsu Planetarium at DeAnza College. Please sign and return the permission slip in the Friday Folder.

  1. Please remember to sign and return only the test packet sheet that will be in the Friday Folder this week. You are to keep all the tests for review.

Thank you for all your support and have a great weekend!
                                                               Andrea Jones

Sunday, September 8, 2013

September Calendar

5th Grade Happenings
Happy Sunday!  Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. We are off to a fabulous start!

Upcoming events:
1.  Artist Report:  We finalized our choice of artist. We are looking for when they were born, died, nationality, influences, famous masterpieces, . . . We started note taking in class this week. And will begin to write  the paragraphs. On laptops, we started our artist PowerPoint project.

2. Language Arts:  Our first novel is The Mixed Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler.  Please ask your child to tell you about it.  Look for vocabulary and comprehension questions.

3.  Social Studies:  We have been working on our geographical terms.  We will be choosing one National geographical Landmark to research.  Examples are Cape Cod, Glen Canyon, and the Colorado River.  They can be anywhere in the United States. We have finished Chapter 1 and will be have a test on Wednesday.  Your child can review at http://tutorial.teachtci.com/

4. Science:  Our first Unit is the Water Planet, We have been learning all about our Solar System and will have a test on Tuesday. Please ask your child to review with you, his study guide.  Here is the website for our foss kits. http://www.fossweb.com/modules3-6/index.html

5.  Please remember to sign and return only the test packet sheet that will be in the Friday Folder this week. You are to keep all the tests for review.

                           Thank you for all your support and have a great week!
                                                               Andrea Jones

Friday, August 23, 2013

5th Grade Happenings
Good Friday!  We have a fantastic class and I look forward to a wonderful year! We have been working hard already and I can’t wait to tell you about our exciting year ahead at Back to School Night on Tuesday  at 7:35.

Upcoming events:

Outside Reading: We need volunteers to start coming in during Sustained Silent Reading!    
                     Tuesday 12:45 – 1:15
                      Wednesday 12:45 – 1:15
                      Thursday    12:45 – 1:15
Upcoming events:
1.  Artist Report:  We will be choosing an artist for our  artist report and start researching information on them.  We are looking for when they were born, died, nationality, influences, famous masterpieces, . . . We start  notetaking in class on Tuesday, Sept. 3rd.

2. Language Arts:  Our first novel is The Mixed Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler.  We will be starting next week.

3.  Social Studies:  We will be working on our geographical terms.  We will be choosing one National geographical Landmark to research.  Examples are Cape Cod, Glen Canyon, and the Colorado River.  They can be anywhere in the United States.

4. Science:  Our first unit in the Water Planet is the Solar System.

5.  Your child has received information regarding the music program here at Springer.  They have chosen an instrument or chorus.  Please be sure to confirm with your child on the instrument picked.  Our first day of instrumental music is Monday, Sept. 9th.

                           Thank you for all your support and have a great weekend!
                                                               Andrea Jones

Friday, May 17, 2013

May 2013

A huge THANK YOU to all the parents who helped to make Colonial Day a wonderful success!  It was a fabulous day that the kids will remember for the rest of their life.  A special thank you to Donna, Fanny, and Kirsten for all their help with the planning for the terrific day!

I also want to thank you for an amazing Teacher Appreciation week.  It really made me feel so special and for that I am grateful.

And a big thanks to the many parents that stopped by today to do book interviews.  That was terrific : )

Upcoming events:

1. Language Arts: We just finished reading My Brother Sam is Dead. This is an intense story about a young boy who is unsure who to support in the Revolutionary War.  His older brother has joined the rebels to fight the British, while his father is loyal to the Bristish King.  We spent this week writing a Response to this literature.  Our final book of the year will be Tuck Everlasting.

2.  Social Studies: We are working on Ch. 11 about the Tensions between the British and the colonist. We are seeing the Revolution from both the Loyalist and Patriots’ point of view. Our Ch 11 Test will be on Tuesday, May 21st.
LOOK for their study guide to review!  We will also have a Final DOG ( Daily Oral Geography) Test either late this week or early next week.

3. Science:  We just finished up the final science section and will be having our final test Wednesday, May 22nd. They also have a study guide for this test too. A good review tool is

We will also be studying the heart in depth   
as we prepare for the heart dissection on
Thursday, June 6th.

Volunteers are welcome!!

4.  Outside Reading for the 3rd Trimester is due May 31, 2013
         A = 3600 pages                    Please check for requirements.
         B = 2400 pages                            
         C = 2000 pages
Please feel free to come in and interview!

Thank you and have a wonderful week!

Andrea Jones