Friday, January 18, 2013

January 2013

5th Grade Happenings
Happy Friday!!!  I hope you all have a wonderful long weekend!
Upcoming events:
1.  State Report:  We have about three weeks until state reports are due.  All note cards are completed.  Our outline is due on Wednesday! The students have had a lot of time in class to complete them, but if they have not, they must do them by Wednesday**** We just started on our posters today. Our final report with map, flag, and written report is due on Friday, Feb. 8th The week after the written report is due; we will have our state report speeches and the poster is due. They will be a 3- 5 minute talk about their state. Please help your child with checking their state report calendar regularly to stay on target.

2. Language Arts:  We are reading the book The Cay, a book about a two strangers—a blind boy and a older man--stranded on an island who grow to look beyond race and respect one another for who they are. We will be discussing the idea of themes in a story such as survival, prejudice, and Please look for comprehension questions and vocabulary

3. We are studying Mixtures and Solutions.  We will be choosing an element to do a project on later this week.

4. LASD film Festival: If your child is interested in submitting a short film please free to submit it to

5. Congratulations to Cole on coming in 2nd place for the school Geography bee!

6. Outside Reading for the 2nd Trimester is due March 2, 2012
         A = 3000 pages                    Please check for requirements.
         B = 2000 pages                            
         C = 1600 pages

Due dates:
Outline due Wed. Jan 23rd
Final report completed Thursday, Feb. 8th
Report Speech and poster due week of Feb. 11th

Have a great weekend!

Mrs. Jones