Sunday, April 28, 2013

April 2013

It was wonderful to see all of you cheering on the Springer Stingers at Junior Olympics. We did a fabulous job representing Springer! We have STAR testing starting Monday morning (April 29th – May 9th) See schedule below. It is important for all students to be here on time and well rested.  

Colonial Day, Friday, May 10

The Fifth Grade is celebrating colonial times!  We have a fabulous fun filled day planned to reinforce what we have been studying in class.  To add to this wonderful day, we are asking students to dress, as they would have in colonial times. Some suggestions are:

Boys- knickers, white shirt or women’s blouse, white nylon knee-highs or tall socks, dark shoes, vest,tri-cornered hat

Girls- long skirt, long sleeve white blouse,dress, mob cap or bonnet, dark shoes, apron

We will also need each student to bring in a large empty soup can by May 8th.

We are going to need lots of volunteers for our big day! If you are interested please contact Donna Murphy.  Some of our stations will be candlemaking, quilting, cooking, making lanterns, games, and much much more.  So please save the day on your calendar!  Friday, May 10th from 9:00 –2:30.

   Outside Reading for the 3rd Trimester is due May 31, 2013
         A = 3600 pages                    Please check for requirements.
         B = 2400 pages                            
         C = 2000 pages

Thank you and enjoy your weekend!

Andrea Jones