Friday, August 23, 2013

5th Grade Happenings
Good Friday!  We have a fantastic class and I look forward to a wonderful year! We have been working hard already and I can’t wait to tell you about our exciting year ahead at Back to School Night on Tuesday  at 7:35.

Upcoming events:

Outside Reading: We need volunteers to start coming in during Sustained Silent Reading!    
                     Tuesday 12:45 – 1:15
                      Wednesday 12:45 – 1:15
                      Thursday    12:45 – 1:15
Upcoming events:
1.  Artist Report:  We will be choosing an artist for our  artist report and start researching information on them.  We are looking for when they were born, died, nationality, influences, famous masterpieces, . . . We start  notetaking in class on Tuesday, Sept. 3rd.

2. Language Arts:  Our first novel is The Mixed Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler.  We will be starting next week.

3.  Social Studies:  We will be working on our geographical terms.  We will be choosing one National geographical Landmark to research.  Examples are Cape Cod, Glen Canyon, and the Colorado River.  They can be anywhere in the United States.

4. Science:  Our first unit in the Water Planet is the Solar System.

5.  Your child has received information regarding the music program here at Springer.  They have chosen an instrument or chorus.  Please be sure to confirm with your child on the instrument picked.  Our first day of instrumental music is Monday, Sept. 9th.

                           Thank you for all your support and have a great weekend!
                                                               Andrea Jones