Sunday, March 4, 2012

5th Grade Happenings March

Happy March! We are quite busy working hard!  We have a few upcoming events that will require costumes and memorizing of lines.

Upcoming events:
1. Science Faire Tuesday, March 13th
2. Walk Through the Revolution –
Wednesday, March 14th at 8:45
      A colonial costume and lines memorized for their part
3. 5th Grade Movie Night at Springer Friday, March 30th
      This is our auction item, so please be sure to sign up
3. Colonial Day  -Friday, May 11th
 colonial costume needed

For Walk Through, students will be able to share costumes with the other class, however colonial day each student must have their own outfit.
 Some suggestions are:

Boys- knickers, white shirt or women’s blouse, white nylon knee-highs or tall socks, dark shoes, vest, tri-cornered hat

Girls- long skirt, long sleeve white blouse,dress, mob cap or bonnet, dark shoes, apron

*** girls may dress as boys as well ***

1. Language Arts:  We are working on our storyboard for The Cay. We have also started our latest book, Tolliver’s Secret. It is about a young girl who risks her life to get a secret message to George Washington during the Revolutionary War.  We are also working on writing persuasive letters regarding topics close to our hearts.
2.  Social Studies:  We are reading chapter 8 on Slavery in the colonies.

3.  Outside Reading for the 3rd Trimester is due May 31, 2012
         A = 3600 pages                   
         B = 2400 pages                            
         C = 1600 pages
1.       Read a biography about a Revolutionary War hero.
2.      Read at least two (2) double paged books.
3.      Read one short book about Math.

Thank you for all your support,

Andrea Jones

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