Friday, October 4, 2013

Oct 4th

5th Grade Happenings
Happy Weekend! Hope you are getting a chance to relax and spend some quality time with your family!  We will not be going on our field trip on Monday unless a miracle happens. Thank you to all that volunteered to  drive.

Upcoming events:
  1. Language Arts: We just finished reading  The Mixed Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler.  Please look for the final vocabulary coming home. Our final vocabulary test is Wed., Oct 9th and our book test will also be next week. 

During the month of October, we are creating a poetry book as well as memorizing poetry to be recited in class the week of October 28th.  We will also be reading Theme 1 Nature’s Fury, of the Houghton Mifflin textbook.

  1. Social Studies:  We have started Chapter 3 on Native American this week.  Your student can always review at  Your child is working on a Native American Google Presentation and creating 3 artifacts from their Native American region.

We have also finished Daily Oral Geography 1 – 15 and will be having a test on Thursday, Oct. 10th.  Your child has highlighted questions they must know.

  1.  Science:  We are working on the Water Planet unit.  We will be learning all about the water cycle and how is our science website that may be helpful to reinforce concepts at home. 

  1. Please remember to sign and return only the test packet sheet that will be in the Friday Folder this week. You are to keep all the tests for review.

  1. Outside Reading for the 1st Trimester is due Nov. 1st
         A = 2400 pages                        Please check for requirements.
         B = 1600 pages                                 
         C = 1200 pages

Thank you for all your support and have a great weekend!
                                                               Andrea Jones

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