Friday, January 24, 2014


Happy Weekend! Boy! We have been busy with our state report!

Upcoming events:
1.State Report:
We are working hard to complete our state report by this Friday, January 31st.  Please be sure to check in with your child to make sure they are on track. 
·      Begin editing in class Mon., Jan. 27th    
·      Continue editing Tues., Jan. 28th 
·      Rough drafts due Wednesday, Jan. 29th   
·      Final paper due Friday, January 31st
·      Speeches and posters due starting Tuesday, Feb 4th
·      A list of each child’s scheduled date for speeches will be posted on our class blog next week. They should be working on their posters now.  Please help your child with checking their state report calendar regularly to stay on target.
*** Please help your child edit their report on Tuesday night. It is important that they get used to doing it first before asking for help. ******

2. Language Arts:  We are reading the book The Cay, a book about a two strangers—a blind boy and an older man--stranded on an island who grow to look beyond race and respect one another for who they are. We will be discussing the idea of themes in a story such as survival, prejudice, and friendship.  Please look for comprehension questions and vocabulary

3. Social Studies: We are studying about the first British Settlements (Roanoke, Jamestown, and Plymouth) in the United States.  We will finish up the chapter and have a test early the following week.

4. Science: Our topic right now is Mixtures and Solutions.  We are learning about separating mixtures and saturating solution. We will be choosing an element to do a project on later this week.

Science-O-Rama:  We will be doing a practice science experiment as a class.  They can use this as a guide for their own project.  Those that do a science fair project will receive extra credit.  It is highly encouraged!  Science-O-Rama – March 13th.

5.  It is time for the Los Altos Historical Commission and Los Altos History House 30th Annual Margaret Thompson Historical Essay Contest. I have attached the essay contest information and details if your child is interested.  I will also offer extra credit for it.  The essay is due by March 7th.

6. Valentine’s Day:
We will be passing out valentines on 2/14 to each other.  If your child would like to bring valentines, please be sure that there is one for every child in the class. There are 28 students in our class. We will be decorating collection bags in class prior to 2/14.  Bags will be provided.

7.  Outside Reading for the 2nd Trimester is due February 28th    
         A = 3000 pages                    Please check for requirements.
         B = 2000 pages                            
         C = 1600 pages

Have a great weekend!

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