Tuesday, January 10, 2012


Happy New Years!  Welcome back!  I am so excited to be back and look forward to a great rest of the year! We have a busy month ahead of us.  The State Report is off to a great start. We have been reading The Cay by Theodore Taylor.  This wonderful book takes place off the coast of South America during World War II.  Be sure to ask your student about it.

Upcoming events:
1.  State Report:  Hopefully many received information from the Dept. of Tourism.  Each student needs to have at least 2 books.  They can go to the town library if necessary.  We are busy taking notes daily.  They should have at least 20 cards by today and 5 more each day. They have lots of time in class, so please check in with them to make sure they are on track.

2. Language Arts:  We are just starting our next literature book, The Cay.  Look for vocabulary and comprehension questions coming home. 

3.  Social Studies: Chapter 5 is on European Explorers. We have been doing a project on the explorer of their choice and your child needs to dress their explorer cut out by Friday. We will be having a states and capitals test on Tuesday, Jan. 24th. It will not be a map, just a list of the states.

4. Science: We are starting a new unit on Matter.  We will be studying the periodic table, mixtures, and solutions.

5.  Outside Reading for the 2nd Trimester is due March 2nd.
         A = 3000 pages                        Please check for requirements.
         B = 2000 pages                                
         C = 1600 pages
 6. Please remember to sign their homework books each night.

Thank you for all your support!
Mrs. Jones

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